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Why You Need A Motivational Playlist

motivational playlist

Life has its ups and downs. Even when it might feel like it, life is not a plateau. If we pay attention, there are small moments of victory and defeat in our days that add meaning to the experiences we undergo. Life is not predictable all the time. Heck, it’s hardly predictable day by day. We sometimes like to think that life is more of a plateau when we are not experiencing massive victories and soul-wrenching defeats. The truth is that as we ride the waves of the small moments, there are lessons to learn from every experience that can show us how to move forward better.

Each moment of success and celebration is worth noticing and each moment of defeat comes with its own opportunity to learn. Successful moments need choice songs of reflection just as much as moments of defeat do.

Perhaps most of all, it’s the daily grind that needs a motivational playlist as its backdrop. There are going to be days – dozens, probably hundreds – that all feel the same. They will feel as though you are slamming your head against a brick wall, or perhaps like you have legs made of lead and you know exactly where you want to go but something is holding you back. There will be plenty of moments where you feel like none of your actions yield the results you want, and you will question yourself as to whether or not what you are doing is worth it. These are the precise times that you need specific songs and bands to keep you afloat – to remind you that tomorrow is a fresh day to get back up and keep going.

Here are some of the songs I suggest including on your motivational playlist:

  • A song that energizes you for a brand new day
  • A song that helps you get into action
  • A song reminding you that you need to work hard
  • A song that fuels the specific vision for your goal or life as a whole
  • A song that keeps your mind optimistically-geared
  • A song that reminds you not to fear anything
  • A song to channel your anger
  • A song that helps you rest (this is particularly vital for days you have been busting your butt and need to unwind properly)
  • A song or numerous songs to keep you on track
  • A song for celebration
  • A song for reflection

This is a very loose outline for where your motivational playlist could go and what kinds of songs you could have on it. The big picture point is to have a collection of songs you can turn to when the going gets tough, to keep your spirit in check and remind you that the tough need to get going (A.K.A. you).

It is also a great idea to have a workout playlist or two. Any person that is going to be successful (or is working on growing their success) needs to take care of their body. If you do not already have a workout playlist, use this outline to build one, or create your own.

What songs are on your motivational playlist? Any facets, emotions or struggles you think need their own song on the motivational playlist? Include your thoughts in the comments below.

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Published inFailure And SuccessHealthMusic


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