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The Secret Of Giving That Makes Your Life Infinitely Better


How often do we wake up and remind ourselves how wonderful and incredibly blessed it is to be breathing air?

Sounds too simple, right? “What’s the catch?” you ask. There’s got to be a deeper secret to having a grateful and giving heart.

Honestly, there’s not.

I am just as guilty as the next guy when it comes to forgetting the consequences of not being thankful every day.

We wake up and rush to our next activity without taking a few moments of reflecting on who we are, the path we are on and who helped get us this far.

There are not enough days to be thankful for every moment we have experienced, but that is not even what is needed or expected of us. All it takes to remain rooted in the spirit of giving is to find one or two things – or people – a day that remind us why we love being alive.

All it takes to lose sight of the horizon ahead is to neglect what has already been given to us.

The Secret Of Giving

The secret of giving, and therefore gratitude, is to acknowledge the smallest and simplest of blessings.

The secret of giving is to acknowledge the smallest blessings. Share on X

We cannot, and will not, receive further blessings until we master what it is like to indulge in commonplace beauties. And believe me, this is a lifelong lesson.

Expecting a colossal showering of blessings when we are already receiving small, unaddressed ones is like ordering a second meal when you have not even picked up your fork to eat the first one. There will be no room with which to fit a larger version of a smaller blessing that has not been appreciated.

We are all on the lifelong journey of recognizing and sharing ordinary blessings and uncovering how truly blessed we are.

We are all on the lifelong journey of recognizing our blessings. Share on X

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Published inLoveRelationshipsWorld


  1. […] last empty pursuit in all aspects of life – a race you can’t win. Take some time to count your blessings. I guarantee it will bring a sense of calm upon you, and remind you that life isn’t so bad […]

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