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Money Is A Resource – Nothing More, Nothing Less


Money is one of the most thought-about and sought-after commodities in this world. Without a certain amount of money, individuals are restricted from engaging in certain activities, purchasing certain things and generally leading a certain type of life. We’re bombarded by dozens of messages in the media about how we should look, what to wear, what to buy and other things we “must” have. Many of these things come with a colossal price tag – sometimes a hidden price tag that might not show up until years later.

Hidden Costs Of Money

Hidden costs are not always literal cash costs either. Sometimes a purchase can mean unforeseen emotional drainage further down the road. Having a mansion or some type of gigantic residence instead of a modest house that will perform the exact same functions can lead the owner down a frustrating and hope-sucking trail further than might be realized. Owning a large house is not simply about impressing guests or throwing lavish parties; you have to be able to keep up with the demands of maintaining such a house.

Furthermore, it would be incorrect to forego mentioning that unseen cash costs do abound just as often. If you aren’t careful to make the right decisions and avoid the common pitfalls, getting a college degree can turn out to have a far heftier price tag than was imagined or predicted. Many colleges (most of which won’t admit it) are set up to have various cash cow mechanisms in place, which occasionally make even innocent miscalculations costly.

Buying books, changing majors, registering for classes and solving any problems that stand in the way of graduation are bound to be headaches for all grads at some point or another. College, despite being the “last hurdle to jump before reaching ‘real’ adulthood,” has its own slew of preparation recommendations, stress management tips and auxiliary resources that appear as necessary if one simply wants to make it out alive.

Money Has Its Own Problems

Many people are under the impression that with more money, all of their problems will simply fade away. Nothing could be further from the truth. Money does help solve problems, but it does not automatically solve problems simply by being present.

Using money in proper ways to solve problems is a fantastic way to go about it. Money, as a resource, can and should be used to solve problems more quickly and efficiently.

Money, as a resource, can and should be used to solve problems more quickly and efficiently. Share on X

It is imperative to set up a budget for yourself, learn how to use it, get comfortable with it, and allow it to empower you, not the other way around. A budget should not feel like a jail cell; it should feel like a sturdier, stronger boat with which you can sail confidently among life’s many stormy waters.

A budget shows you how much money you are cycling in and out each month, where it’s going, how much money is going to what, and how you can use the money left over to generate more. Staying safe with finances is far less about simply spending less and saving more; it is about taking the money you do have and plugging it into systems and outlets that generate more money for you.

Remember though that just having more money doesn’t mean you need to spend it in exorbitantly extravagant ways. The ones who understand money best understand its power to appropriately change circumstances and environments in efficient ways. Donald Trump, even though he could purchase office chairs that are $500 a piece, has been known to find and purchase chairs that are far less costly, because there is no sense in buying such highly-priced chairs when something cheaper of equal quality will do just as well.

Money can be a very complex subject if you avoid cutting straight to the root of everything. Money is used to add value to lives and experiences. When boiling it down to its most fundamental premise, money ought to be thought of like this:

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Published inMoney


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