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How To Create Content Relevant To Your Audience

man smiling and holding papers

If you wish to become a better writer, learning how to create content relevant to your audience is one of the most important skills in your arsenal.

After all, anything you write for public consumption is futile if nobody reads or resonates with the content. Whether you wish to become an author, journalist, screenwriter, or critic, the following tips should come in handy.

man reading on smartphone

1. Be Your Own Target Reader

A necessary step of becoming a successful writer of any kind includes avoiding the threat of writing for yourself without considering the reader. However, there’s nothing wrong with writing for a demographic that you fall into. Whether it’s writing about a niche activity that you love, or using the creative tone that you’d want to read, the results can be telling.

When you become a full-time writer working for an employer, you might not always have the opportunity to do this. As a journalist or reporter, for example, it’s important to stick to your brief. Still, if you can write something that you’d enjoy reading, even in the small aspects of your craft, others will too.

woman working hard on laptop

2. Analyze Your Past Works

Perhaps the best way to paint an accurate picture of what readers want is to analyze your existing content. If you have published content to a blog or website CMS, a range of analytical tools will allow you to see which content gains the most traffic as well as the pieces that evoke the greatest response in terms of comments and other interactions.

The insight provided by those analytics will highlight what works and what doesn’t. Another option is to run polls and ask readers directly for input on the type of content they love, as well as the tone of the writing.

two women working together at laptop

3. Analyze The Competition

Surround yourself with better content, and you’ll learn to write better content.

Surround yourself with better content, and you’ll learn to write better content. Share on X

If you cannot do this directly, why not simply analyze the works of your competition? Whether it’s reading books from successful authors in your genre or looking at the most popular news articles on a site that targets the same demographic, the results can be huge.

If nothing else, this content will show you where the bar is set. Once you know the level that you need to reach, as well as the style of writing that will help you achieve this goal, your connection with your readers will become far stronger.

person writing down notes in notebook

4. Experiment

Getting to know your audience is a key trait of becoming a better writer. However, some types of writing don’t provide immediate feedback. As the timeless truth (and cliche) states, practice makes perfect. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is keep writing until the right solutions make themselves known. It can take a little trial and error, but the end results will prove you have made progress.

This can cover writing for blogs and news sites, or writing for performances. You often see stand up comedians, for example, trying out new material and tweaking it until it strikes the right chord. Regardless of which type of writing you do, this is the ultimate way to develop your voice.

Use these techniques to remind yourself how to create content relevant to your audience whenever you need to. For additional strategies to grow your blog, build an audience, and develop revenue, read this post.

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Published inContent CreationMarketingWriting


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