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Writers: How To Write Better Poetry—Ask Writer’s Relief | Writer’s Relief

Whether you’re new to poetry or are an accomplished, published poet, you know the value of learning new ideas and techniques for improving your craft. At Writer’s Relief, we know that the best writers never stop learning.

In this installment of our “Ask Writer’s Relief” series, we take a look at some inspiration and advice that can help you write better poetry—and boost your odds of getting published!

Ask Writer’s Relief: “How Do I Write Poetry That Editors Will Want To Publish?”

Below is a list of informative articles—some written by our staff, others taken from various sources—that offer many helpful steps you can take to improve your poetry prowess:

Un-Think Your Poetry: How To Write Better Poems. This article offers some great advice: Stop trying to write better poems. These suggestions will help you turn off your inner critic and free your mind to write your best, most uninhibited work.

Inspiration For Poets: 15 Ways To Breathe New Life Into Your Poetry. It’s all too easy to find yourself stuck in a writing rut. Having the proper motivation is often the best way to improve your work. In this article, you’ll learn fifteen ways to shake things up and find new and interesting ideas to incorporate into your writing.

125 Of The Best Poetry Writing Prompts For Poets. Sometimes, you just need the right starting point to get the creative juices flowing and to write your most inspired work. Check out these 125(!) springboards to help you take the leap into better poetry!

16 Tips From Famous Authors For Writing Better Poetry. Even the very best poets continue to strive for perfection! Here are tips from top poets that will help you maintain focus and achieve your writing goals.

How To Get Better At Writing Poetry. Many people do not realize that poetry writing skills can be improved by doing other things besides writing poetry! The writing tips and philosophies discussed in this article look at poetry and ways to improve writing it from a less Western, compartmentalized approach.

10 Ways To Supercharge Your Poetry. Have you ever finished writing a poem and felt that it just needs a little…something? Blogger Dan Tricarico has, and he lists several things you can do to give your work that special oomph.

To really get the full benefits from these various articles, try picking a different one each day and focusing on that lesson!


Question: What’s your best advice for poets who are trying to improve their skills?

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