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What’s the most useful audience-building website you’ve ascertained this month?

world is new

It has been interesting to observe how SLOOOOOOW the corporate world has been to respond to the coronavirus crisis.

Most of this is understandable. It take months to plan, create, and schedule advertising for these big brands. But a lot of what is being published right now is so out of sync with the needs of the world right now.

How will the biggest brands pivot and when?

This is a preamble to sheepishly explain this week’s podcast episode.

This edition of The Marketing Companion was recorded on March 9, 2020. It is a SUPER FUN episode but one of the things Brooke Sellas and I discussed was an experiential promotion based on the NCAA March Madness tournament, one of the most popular sporting events in America (maybe my favorite!)

The episode went live exactly one week later — and by then the NCAA tournament had been canceled — as had the baseball season, the Kentucky Derby, and every other sporting event and concert in America.

One week.

Between us, Brooke and I have more than 50 years of business experience. We have seen a lot, we have done a lot. And yet we blew it. We couldn’t see one week in front of us.

But who can right now? An interesting lesson in unprecedented times.

So … this week’s episode is a little on the weird side. But it is still AWESOME.

First, I talk about the recent Social Media Marketing World conference and something really weird that happened to me out there.

Hey. You’re locked in and working from home. Put on the headphones. Tune to a movie for the kids and enjoy the show:

Click on this link to listen to Episode 184

Other ways to enjoy our podcast

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It’s hard to ignore — millions of business professionals are active on LinkedIn. They have twice the buying power of a normal web user. If you’re in business, you need to be exploring advertising on LinkedIn. Brooke and I have both had tremendous success with this marketing platform and to help you get started, LinkedIn is offering Marketing Companion listeners $100 in free ad credit. That can go a LONG WAY! Take advantage of this opportunity today by visiting

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The post Everything is out of date because the world is new appeared first on Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}.

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