Every Wednesday, Robert Lee Brewer shares a prompt and an example poem to get things started on the Poetic Asides blog. This week, write an action title poem.
Well, the commenting hasn’t been enabled yet, but I know that somebody is actively working on it (so fingers crossed it happens today). In the meantime, go to Disqus to create a free new account, and hopefully we’ll have more details to share very, very soon.
For today’s prompt, think of something you can do, make that the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles might include: “100 Crunches Before Breakfast,” “Writing at Midnight,” “Walking Through the Neighborhood,” “Smiling on the Inside,” and/or “Sleeping Past Noon.” Hopefully, we’ll soon be able to write our own versions of “Commenting on the Website.”

Play with poetic forms!
Poetic forms are fun poetic games, and this digital guide collects more than 100 poetic forms, including more established poetic forms (like sestinas and sonnets) and newer invented forms (like golden shovels and fibs).
Here’s my attempt at an Action Title Poem:
“Making It As I Go”
May flowers give me hope
that sandal season’s near,
but then cold waves say, “Nope,”
to warming of the year.
If this poem seems lame,
like it’s lacking a flow,
I’m the one you can blame
making it as I go.
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