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How Writers Can Connect To Create An Effective Emotional Support System | Writer’s Relief

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How Writers Can Connect To Create An Effective Emotional Support System | Writer’s Relief

You’ve probably heard this time-worn stereotype: Writers are solitary hermits who spend their days, nights, and weekends hunched over keyboards and shunning social interaction. But even the most introverted author will benefit from human connections and emotional support. At Writer’s Relief, we know it’s important it is to interact with others—even if it’s only virtually! Here are some easy ways to connect with other creative writers to create an effective emotional support system that will help you fight writer’s block and beat the rejection letter blues.

How To Form Connections, Gain Emotional Support, And Make Your Writing Life Easier—And More Fun!

Join a trade group for your genre. Consider joining a national organization for your genre. Some examples are Romance Writers of America, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

Become a member of a local critique group or writing workshop. If you prefer something less formal than a national organization, consider joining—or even starting!—a writing group in your area. Many are meeting online as well, so you’ll still have the opportunity to connect with other writers and get feedback on your writing. You might also consider signing up for an online writing class.

Consider online social network groups for writers. Whether it’s through an established organization for writers or a more casual group like our Writer’s Relief Café on Facebook, getting support and encouragement from other writers online is just as valuable as meeting in person. Just be sure to exercise caution about divulging personal information online—and be careful about where you post your own writing!

Hire a writing coach or developmental editor. Do you have trouble motivating yourself to write or with sticking to a writing schedule? Many writers do! In addition to getting emotional support and writing advice from your peers, consider hiring a writing coach. A writing coach will help you stick to a writing schedule and guide you in solving issues you may be having with your writing.

Find a critique partner or mentor. While joining writing groups and attending conferences can be so helpful, sometimes you need one-on-one help with your writing. Look for a critique partner—someone to email and swap manuscripts with—to help with editing. If you’re looking for expert, knowledgeable guidance, consider a writing mentor. Any author with experience and a good publishing record in your genre could be a great choice!

Get acquainted with the pros. Consider outsourcing the tasks that drain your energy and spirit so that you’ll have more time to simply write and network with other writers! Working with the experts at Writer’s Relief might be the best choice you’ll ever make for your writing career—we’ll format and proofread your work for publication, and do all the time-consuming busywork to create a personalized list of submissions perfectly targeted for your work. Best of all, our experts will always be professional, courteous, and friendly colleagues on your writing journey. Submit to our Review Board today!

Dealing With People Who Just Don’t Get The Pressures Of Being A Writer

Sometimes your friends, family, and coworkers simply can’t grasp the ups and downs of the writing life or why you love it so much. So it’s important to build yourself a community of writers to guide and support you along your writing journey. You’ll be a lot more successful—and have a lot more fun!—if you don’t try to deal with the pressures of writing (and the unavoidable rejections) all by yourself.


Question: What writing community connections have you found most helpful?

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