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Oath to the Queen


Once I saw a newsreel of Queen Elizabeth II making a speech when I was still living in Beijing in the 1990s. I was puzzled by the way she spoke English, even though I could not understand half of what she said. I noticed that her lips barely moved when she spoke. She seemed to have the quality of a ventriloquist, but there was no little painted doll sitting on her shoulder flapping its lips. Her whole manner was strange and impenetrable. I never got to the bottom of my puzzlement. A few years later, however, after managing to get a scholarship, I came to Britain, and started to live in London. Then began a journey of discovering English and Englishness.

For the first few years in London, I struggled to understand the language of the BBC and newspaper articles. This language was very different from the everyday language I had got to know in the street and on buses. It was full of political vocabulary and journalistic conventions that I found opaque and remote. Watching the Queen’s speech now regularly on television gave me no encouragement either. So I went back to my usual habit: studying words from English menus in eateries. One day, as I was having breakfast in my local cafe, I heard a tune from the radio, which blasted from speakers on the ceiling. The middle-aged lady who served tea shouted to a chef near the counter: ‘The Archers! Can you turn it up, Jim?!’ ‘Sure, Dot!’ was the reply.

Then suddenly the cafe reverberated with a jingle-jangly jaunty theme tune. When that died away, some English voices started to resound. I listened with anticipation trying to discern the point of it. It deduced that it was a soap drama, composed by interminable dialogues between elderly English characters in a rural country setting. There was the occasional moo of a cow, baa of a sheep and the sound of machinery. The characters spoke English English, definitely not foreigners’ English. The lady in the cafe, Dot, leaning by the counter listened with mild concentration while folding napkins with a beatific smile. I thought this program must be of some national importance, since no one in the cafe complained about the noise. I listened attentively till it finished, by then I had deposited the baked beans and white toast in my oriental stomach. Then the news started. Dot, looking a little flushed, turned the sound down. She didn’t seem to care about news or world affairs. An atmosphere of relative peace and quietness returned to the cafe, which gave me a chance to ask Dot some questions when she came to clear my table.

‘The programme you just listened to, is it very important?’ I asked with my broken English.

‘You mean The Archers, love? You ain’t never heard of it?!’ She looked unbelievingly at me, as if I had only recently emerged from the jungle, a total ignoramus about worldly things. ‘Don’t you know five million people in this country listen to it every day?!’ Dot wiped my table with vigor and pride.

‘Oh, really!’ I was impressed. ‘What is it about? I come from China . . .’ I inserted my question apologetically.

‘You come from China! You’re new then?’ The lady re-arranged the mustard jar on the table and wiped the ketchup bottle with a rag. ‘It’s about family life on a farm in the Midlands. You know, we English like these sorts of settings – sheep, cows, dairy farming, family dramas, chit-chat fun things.’

I nodded attentively. Yes, I thought to myself, that explains the cow and kettle-boiling sounds, the barn door creaking, along with the umm-ing and ah-ing of the aged voices. Just as some people eat so-called comfort food – like rice pudding – this must be comfort radio, a rice-pudding of narrative.

Later on, I returned my flat and commenced a brief online study of The Archers. An informed immigrant is a good immigrant. Then I found out that the programme was not only the longest running radio soap in Britain, but the longest in the world. It started in 1950. Originally it aimed to educate farmers and thus increase food production after World War II. But rapidly it became a major source of entertainment for urban as well as rural audiences. Just as we Chinese have ‘Peasant Education Channel’ public service at home, I guessed? That was how we learned to weave bamboo baskets or cure a sick pig. So should I listen to it too, just to enhance my English as well as my new life in the UK? Perhaps I should not worry about learning the Queen’s perfect English, and should start from here, the not so high-brow English in The Archers?

Over the next few days, after having submitted myself to the programme several times during my noodle lunches, I lost any appetite I might have had to join the great listening family of The Archers. To describe the programme as a living-death might be a slight exaggeration. After three or four listenings, the theme music induced a strange torpor in my body – an interesting sort of claustrophobia. Then there were the conversations about the minutiae of children’s marriages and health. Their conversations seemed to be too indirect, touching on topics like climate change or organic farming, but never ever truly entering. To the din of sirens piercing through my walls, I grew restless. There were no immigrant characters in the story, no serious social debate, no racial problems, no economical crises, no real politics. It was an oasis of rural England outside the currents of history. That was its purpose. What else should I have expected? But it was still strange for me. In China we have similar soaps too, the popular ones were always to do with grand love and revolution, but not about domestic ladies living inside a little house and chatting about weather. Only some months later, I learned that the most popular newspapers in Britain were the Daily Mail and the Sun. Were the readers of these tabloids and the followers of The Archers one and the same, I wondered?

Then my thoughts crystalized into a clearer idea. This was an idea about ideology. The most powerful kinds of ideology work by concealment. The apolitical world of The Archers was the surface that instilled in its listeners a supremely political position. This was the position of acceptance of the status quo. The Archers’ farm was the British state, the animal hierarchy, from chickens up to horses, the mildly entrepreneurial farmers and the middle classes, ever aspirational, fearful of the lower orders, they trudged through the mud and dreamt of the harvest and the sunny uplands.  People often don’t think the English have ideology. They may think the Chinese are infused by ideology – our revolutionary peasant visions and the Communist system. But not the British! How bizarre. It just goes to show how powerful the ideology in this land is and how effectively people’s lives have been shaped and subjugated by it.

I thought this invisibility of ideology was part of the reason why the British, but the English in particular, had this knack for deflecting all direct engagements. Beneath their social surfaces were deeper surfaces, through which they deflected their own thoughts about themselves. They sought insulation from any idea of change. This explained a number of things about the country: people’s ability to withstand awful public transport and privatisation of nearly all public utilities and a constant ability to vote against their own interests. Yet there was rebellion, though of a superficial kind. Angry working class teenagers would periodically riot against society in general and loot high street stores. From the 1970s onward there was ‘revolution’ in the world of pop, which amounted to punk musicians being bad mannered on stage. This was perhaps the existential cry, raw and inebriated, of a jagged reaction to the kettle-boiling and cake-baking families who dwelt eternally in the village of Ambridge, the home of The Archers, the spirit of the English that would never die.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not suggesting that the English are anymore ideologically infused than other nations. My essential thought was this. In finding out how ideology works in a country, you find out about a significant aspect of ‘national character’ in that land.



My next lesson in ideology came several years later. I was sitting in a ‘Life in the UK’ exam, during an afternoon somewhere in north London. We were in a dim and shabby looking multi-functional community space with two examining officers monitoring us. Next door, a Turkish kebab shop blasted out a loud cacophony from a televised football match. Before I had entered the exam room, I had been waiting in this restaurant, eating a very burnt lamb skewer with a plate of salad. Now the meat was giving me a stomach ache, or was it just the anxiety I was feeling about the exam? Would I fail? I probably would. People say it takes three generation of immigrants to become native, or feel native. In this case, I had to hope that my grandchildren would feel less alien here, assuming they would be willing to stay in this country when they grew up. Maybe they too would be wanderers.

Three weeks before this ‘Life in the UK’ examination, I had been trying to memorise historical facts about Britain – its monarchical system, the Commonwealth and its countries, as well as legal and social aspects of the UK. Since I was not from a former British colony, I was not familiar with the Parliamentary and Constitutional Monarchy system. Although there was a lot to learn, my efforts to concentrate were not always effective. Moreover, I thought I did not really have to learn things by rote because I thought I had exam technique. Back in China as a school kid, I prided myself on the idea that I had learnt to make the right answer for any question. And in most cases there was only one answer anyway. When, however, I found myself in the exam room, I realized, staring at the paper, that was a multiple choice exam:


Please tick the right answer: King Henry VIII’s daughter Mary was a devout Catholic and persecuted Protestant, which is why she became known as:

A: Catholic Mary                                B: Contentious Mary

C: Bloody Mary                                  D: Killer Mary


I cursed myself. What an ignorant immigrant! I should have learnt the difference between Catholic and Protestant, as well as the nicknames of Henry VIII’s heir. During my preparation for this test, I was aware that being someone who grew up in a Chinese communist household was a defect for this exam, and I had studied facts such as that women had gained the vote in 1928 in Britain, and that abortion became legal in 1967, and so on and so forth. But I hadn’t paid attention to the royal family’s nicknames! I regret that I spent most of my days reading twentieth-century French novels and German politics in my London flat. Now I realized that twentieth-century European history was not important at all for this exam.

Sitting before my question paper, I randomly ticked the answer B or C, though sometimes with a faint intuition about which was correct. Perhaps an A for a change? As I circled ‘Catholic Mary’ with my pen, I suddenly had the feeling that I was at risk of losing my British Citizenship. Well, I didn’t have British Citizenship yet. I was risking not gaining the qualification I needed for application of my Naturalisation.

As the sub-continental-looking examination officer paced up and down, I thought: why were there no questions about the East India Company or Partition? I exhaled with a long and unsure breath, and moved onto the next question:


What kind of bird do people usually eat on Christmas Day?

A: Duck       B: Chicken     C: Turkey       D: Ostrich


An easy question at last! Even though previously I only had one Christmas lunch experience in London with an Italian family eating a huge ostrich. Yes, a stuffed ostrich with heavy gravy all over its rubbery flesh. But, on second thoughts, maybe I should not take this question to be as simple as it had seemed to be. When it asked ‘people’, did it mean ‘any people’ or ‘English people’? As an oriental living in Britain, I always ate a bowl of noodle alone in a rented flat during the Christmas. Santa Claus never visited my chimney, neither friends nor families. Come back to the question: ‘What kind of bird . . .’, I disliked eating any kind of bird. I dread the idea of alien hormones from caged chicken farms infesting my stomach. And what about the vegetarians in this country? Was the Christmas spirit incompatible with the consumption of tofu or any sort of bean curd? Or stir fried bok choy in ginger sauce?

Now as I refocused on the exam sheets, letting the flood of dead bird-imagery fade, I quickly ticked the ‘C: Turkey’ and move on to the next. The next question would be a more serious one, I presumed.


The House of Lords is normally more __ in the government than the House of Commons.

A:  powerful                     B:  successful                C: independent


Hmm, House of Commons. House of Lords. I always found these expressions odd. It made me think of the Ming Dynasty’s East Court and West Court, whose role was to serve the Emperor. That was 500 years ago. For all these years living in London, I had never passed a building with either of these names, Lords or Commons, on it. Perhaps I had only lived in the poor part of the town? I had a ludicrous image of miniature houses stuck inside the Palace of Westminster and the Queen watering her tulips next to them. Gazing back at the sheets in front of me, I murmured again: The House of Lords is normally more powerful, or successful, or independent in the government than the House of Commons. I rescanned the three adjectives. The more I stared at the word ‘Lords’ and ‘Commons’, the heavier my eyelids weighed upon me. I needed coffee. Then I thought harder. Independent felt like a more neutral word than the pompous vocabulary of powerful or successful. It suggested democracy, which was the image that the UK liked to project. I marked C. The clock was ticking and I faced the last question with no time to spare.


Which of the following is a country of the UK?

A: Channel Islands    B: Scotland    C: Republic of Ireland    D: Isle of Man


A country in the UK? What a provocative question for someone from People’s Republic of China. I knew Scotland was a country, though without a border with England or using a different passport. I did study aspects of British constitution, and repeatedly read about Britain comprising a number of countries. But still, for me, I could never get used to this idea that this archipelago in the Atlantic should comprise so many different countries rather than provinces. I still remembered reading George Orwell about Englishness: ‘We call our islands by no fewer than six different names, England, Britain, Great Britain, the British Isles, the United Kingdom and, in very exalted moments, Albion.’ While in my experience, London really seemed to be a different country than the rest of the UK. I sighed, and ticked B.

As I exited the exam room, I had little hope that I would pass. Deep down I think my lack of preparation was not just laziness, or merely the product of preoccupation with other things, but also resistance. There was something about the implicit pride in a supposed thousand years of monarchy, and the parliamentary system – which few I suspected understood – that made me feel ill at ease. It was the same syndrome as The Archers. I was just being introduced to the cultural symbols and motifs of the United Kingdom. People learn the history of kings and queens just like we learn fairy tales or consume the latest soap operas. And what for? It’s all about instilling the collective wisdom of the ruling classes, yet done in the most bland and innocuous way.



A month later, I received the test result which told me I had passed the exam. So I began to proceed with my naturalisation. Four weeks later, I received a formal letter from the Home Office, congratulating me that I was in the final stage of this long process and I needed to participate in a naturalisation ceremony.

On the day of the ceremony, I put on a newly washed but plain looking coat. My immigrant’s experiences made me think in this way: to be normal and to look normal are probably the most appropriate gesture in these circumstances. The last thing you want is to stick out from the crowd. It’s not like attending Glastonbury music festival. So I got off the bus near Bow in East London, I stepped into a town hall building, and met with some non-native looking families. They were all well dressed – women in colourful outfit and men in suits. I presumed they were Bengalis or Indians, and a few members of African family. Then there were several white Europeans. The Europeans sat alone with their Iphones in hands, away from us, without any family companions.

In front of a massive portrait of the current Queen, I was given two different coloured sheets. Each one was a printed version of the oath I could read aloud with others. But I had to choose which text I would follow.

The red coloured oath went like this:


I, [name], swear by Almighty God that, on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors according to law.


Then the green coloured oath read like this:


I, [name], will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a British citizen.


I now knew which oath I would read, and felt relieved that I don’t have to read something totally against my beliefs. As if this is not enough, immediately, we were also given a blue piece of paper, on which was written:


Under the Oaths Act 1978, any person who objects to swearing an oath may instead make a solemn affirmation. This also applies when it is not practicable to administer the oath in accordance with a person’s religious belief (e.g. if the sacred book of the person’s religion is not available). The relevant provisions of the Oaths Act (sections 5 and 6) are applied to citizenship oaths by section 42 (7) of the British Nationality Act 1981.


I was totally lost with the gabbled legalese of the blue paper. Then I found a white sheet underneath it. It read:


An oral affirmation should be made as follows:

I, [full name], do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that on becoming a British Citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors, according to law.


Words on the paper became a rap song, looping in my ears. And I began to shake my head left and right with rhythm. But the Queen’s stern looking poster caught my eyes. I could have sworn for a moment that her eyes were following me. I recomposed myself and began to look around. Everyone seemed to be a little lost, especially an elderly lady in her multi-layered golden sari. Disoriented, I decided to join my European neighbours and stood beside them. I would just read any coloured paper that they would be reading. I could see that they were all holding green paper.

Under the instructions of a respectable looking gentleman before the Queen, the gathered mass of new citizens read aloud their oaths in a muffled voice. Male and female, young and old, Asian and Africans, Europeans and Latinos, we all trundled along with various level of ease or uneasiness.


I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values . . .


When I was reading those lines, I was almost touched, especially with the phrase about upholding the democratic values even though I didn’t have any clear vision where Britain would be heading to in the future. Anything could happen. In fact, anything did happen, with the strange escapade of Brexit that later gripped the neck of the country. Though that was the future. But right at this moment we had to do what we were told, in this town hall, in front of the grand looking Elizabeth II held up by plastic poles against the rain drenched window. Just as the characters in The Archers must submit themselves to the boggy heaths, water-logged fields submerged in manure and the still extant medieval system of land ownership, we, citizens of the UK must live in our eternal village of Ambridge – assuming the borders are still safely guarded. I could feel the weight of my submission bearing down on me. I would mouth the empty words ordained by the state, and I would bend, genuflect and submit to the dull mantras that trickled down from the heights of power.

As my thoughts were propelled upwards through the tuneless humming of the collective mass, the national anthem resonated in my ears and took on the guise of an epiphany. Had I seen the light? I feared there was no light to be seen. I sang, zombie-like:


God save all dressed in green

Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen

Send her victorious
Happy and glorious

Long to reign over us


Photograph © grassrootsgroundswell

This essay was first published in Lucifer Over London: A guide to the adopted city, first published in Italian by Humboldt Books and published by Influx Press in May 2020.

The post Oath to the Queen appeared first on Granta.

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  14. Данный ресурс не является официальным сайтом компании Бинтрейдклаб, здесь расположена лишь информация для ознакомления с платформой. Помните, торговля на финансовых рынках всегда сопряжена с риском потери денежных средств.

  15. Данный ресурс не является официальным сайтом компании Бинтрейдклаб, здесь расположена лишь информация для ознакомления с платформой. Помните, торговля на финансовых рынках всегда сопряжена с риском потери денежных средств.

  16. Ежедневно на платформе появляются тысячи новых открытых счетов, принадлежащих начинающим и опытным трейдерам. По информации с официального сайта Бинтрейд клаб, на ресурсе уже имеется примерно 1 млн зарегистрированных пользователей, которые пользуются платформой как с ПК, так и с телефонов (преимущественно на Android OS).

  17. Привлекает внимание быстрым выводом средств, удобным мобильным приложением и многочисленными бонусами и акциями. так портал KZ, [url=]вот [/url] Платформа предлагает пользователям высокие коэффициенты, обширную линию событий и разнообразные игровые автоматы от ведущих разработчиков.

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  19. 한게임 포커 머니상게임이 국내외 시장에서 세력을 넓혀가고 있다. 국내외 기업들이 확률형 아이템 논란 등으로 주춤한 사이 완성도 높은 신작을 앞세워 국내 게임시장을 공략하는 것이다. 그러나 중국 게임의 선정적인 내용과 역사 왜곡 문제를 막을 방식이 없어 대책이 요구된다는 목소리가 나온다.

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  20. 포천교정치과 원장 박**씨는 ‘어금니 5개, 앞니 6개가 가장 제일 먼저 자라는 8~80세 시기에 영구치를 교정해야 추가로 자라는 영구치가 모자라지 않은 공간을 가지고 가지런하게 자랄 수 있다’며 ‘프로모션을 통해 자녀들의 치아 상황를 검사해보길 바란다’고 이야기 했다.


  21. 국내에 유통되는 한게임모바일머니상의 흔히인 97%가 구글과 애플 앱스토어의 등급분류를 통해 서비스되기 덕분에 논란이 된 후에야 서비스가 중지되는 등 사후 조치가 이뤄지고 있다. 정부를 중심으로 중국 게임의 역사 왜곡 문제를 막기 위한 게임법 개정안이 발의되고 있지만 이마저도 실효성이 낮다는 지적이 적지 않다. 법안 통과에 대부분인 시간이 필요하고 예방보다 처벌에 방점을 맞췄다는 이유 때문이다.


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  25. 무리한 소비는 자원 소모와 배경 파괴를 초래할 수 있고, 스타벅스 상품권 현금화 소비주의적인 가치관은 소수의 소비에만 초점을 맞추어 경제적 불평등을 증가시킬 수 있을 것입니다. 그래서, 쇼핑을 할 때는 지속 최대한 소비를 실천하고, 본인의 필요에 맞게 적당하게 선택하는 것이 중요하다.

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  26. 특히 지난 40년간 제가 현장에서 일하면서 보아온 결과, 미국 특허법률사무소은 땄지만, 이를 현실에서 활용하지 못하는 한국인들이 많습니다. 이런 분들이 글로벌 업체에서 각종 보고, 협상, 소송 대응 등 다양한 법률적 지식과 커뮤니케이션을 할 수 있도록 돕고 싶습니다.


  27. 의정부 교정치과 원장 안**씨는 ‘어금니 2개, 앞니 2개가 가장 제일 먼저 자라는 8~80세 시기에 영구치를 교정해야 추가로 자라는 영구치가 모자라지 않은 공간을 가지고 가지런하게 자랄 수 있다’며 ‘프로모션을 통해 자녀들의 치아 상황를 확인해보길 바란다’고 전했다.

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  28. 지난해 국내외 온라인쇼핑 시장 규모 162조원을 넘어서는 수준이다. 미국에서는 이달 25일 블랙프라이데이와 사이버먼데이로 이어지는 연말 두사트 쇼핑 시즌이 기다리고 있다. 하지만 올해는 글로벌 물류대란이 변수로 떠올랐다. 전 세계 제공망 차질로 주요 소매유통기업들이 제품 재고 확보에 하기 어려움을 겪고 있기 때문인 것이다. 어도비는 연말 시즌 미국 소매회사의 할인율이 지난해보다 7%포인트(P)가량 줄어들 것으로 전망했었다.


  29. ‘법인회생법무법인 대출 규제가 완화되고 나서 서울에서 젊은 분들 여럿이 오셔서 집을 보고 갔어요. 집값이 무섭게 뛰니 경기도에라도 한 채 사둬야 한다고요. 거기도 8억원 이하 물건은 줄어들고 있는데, 이 동네 분들도 집값이 더 오를 거라고 보고 매물을 거둬들여요.’


  30. KennethQuift KennethQuift

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  31. These apes can tell when humans don’t know something, study finds
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    Some great apes realize when a human partner doesn’t know something and are capable of communicating information to them to change their behavior, a new study shows.

    Researchers from Johns Hopkins University studying bonobos found that they would point to where treats were hidden if they could see their human partner didn’t know where they were, according to a statement from the university, published Monday.

    Working with three male bonobos, study co-author Luke Townrow, a Johns Hopkins PhD student, would sit across a table from one of the animals as another person placed a treat under one of three cups.
    In some cases, Townrow would be allowed to see which cup the treat was under, and the bonobo would wait for him to pass it the food.

    At other times, he would not be able to see where the treat was, and the bonobo would point to the right cup to help him find the food.

    The “seemingly simple experiment that demonstrated for the first time that apes will communicate unknown information in the name of teamwork,” the statement reads.

    And study co-author Chris Krupenye, a Johns Hopkins assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences, told CNN that the study “is one of the clearest pieces of evidence that a non-human primate understands when someone else is ignorant.”

    This ability to intuit gaps in others’ knowledge is known as theory of mind.

    “As humans we have theory of mind, the ability to think about others’ perspectives,” Krupenye told CNN on Tuesday.

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  35. snshelper는 현재 세계에서 최고로 인기 있는 소셜 미디어 플랫폼 중 하나로 자리 잡았습니다. 2020년에 출시된 이후, 인스타그램은 단순히 그림과 동영상을 공유하는 곳에서 시행하여, 지금은 대중 브랜딩, 마케팅, 그리고 커뮤니케이션의 핵심 수단으로 진화하였습니다.


  36. 비트코인 가격이 월간 기준으로 80년 만에 최대 낙폭을 기록하며 ‘잔인한 5월’로 마감할 것이라는 해석이 제기됐습니다. 현지기간 30일 국내코인거래소순위 외신의 말에 따르면 비트코인 가격은 이달 들어 이제까지 32% 넘게 폭락해 2018년 9월 바로 이후 월간 기준 최대 하락 폭을 기록했습니다.


  37. CarlosSal CarlosSal

    Locating a trustworthy home appliance repair company in Brooklyn, NY can be challenging with countless choices available. Whether your fridge isn’t cooling, your washer won’t spin, or your oven fails to heat, selecting the best repair service is crucial to ensuring your appliances function properly again.

    In this guide, we’ll discuss how to find the best appliance repair services in your area, what to look for in a service provider, and insider advice to ensure you receive cost-effective, high-quality repair services.

    Search for Trusted Brooklyn Appliance Repair Services

    When in need of a local appliance technician, prioritize Brooklyn-based businesses that provide same-day or 24/7 repair solutions. Local businesses typically provide faster appointments, higher-quality customer care, and competitive costs.

    ? Advice: Search terms like “certified refrigerator repair Brooklyn” to discover highly reviewed services in your neighborhood.

    2. Check Reviews and Ratings

    Before hiring an appliance repair technician, read customer feedback on websites like Google Reviews, Yelp Business, and HomeAdvisor. Pay attention to businesses with:

    • Strong reputations (4.5+ stars)
    • Glowing user experiences
    • Prompt service delivery and warranties

    3. Ask About Certifications and Warranties

    Reputable appliance repair companies in Brooklyn ought to be:

    • Licensed and insured
    • Certified for major brands (Whirlpool, GE, Samsung, LG, and more)
    • Offering service assurances on parts and labor

    ?? Pro Tip: Always ask, “What kind of repair warranty do you offer?”

    4. Compare Pricing & Service Options

    The expense of home appliance services in Brooklyn, NY is determined by:

    • The type of appliance (refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, washing machine)
    • The extent of the damage
    • If new components are required

    ? Average Costs:

    • Fridge servicing: $150 to $400
    • Washer & dryer repair: ranging from $100 to $350
    • Cooktop fixes: starting at $125 up to $300

    Don’t forget to ask for a cost breakdown before confirming your repair request.

    Find a Repair Service Offering Urgent Repairs

    If your food storage appliance malfunctions or your dryer won’t heat up, you may be in urgent need of an emergency technician. Several leading Brooklyn appliance repair companies specialize in 24/7 emergency repair services to restore functionality without delay.

    ?? Need Appliance Repair in Brooklyn? Reach out to a top-rated local repair technician now!

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