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Featured Client: Frank Jamison | Writer’s Relief

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Caption: Click on the video above to hear about Frank’s experience with Writer’s Relief!

Say hello to our latest featured client, Frank Jamison! Like many writers, Frank found that life kept getting in the way of his writing time. But a few smart words from a friend convinced him to set aside just fifteen minutes a day to write—and soon Frank was building up to an hour or so a day and writing poems and stories. Frank’s next smart choice was to team up with Writer’s Relief to get his writing published. Now he’s a Pushcart Prize nominee with his work published in numerous literary journals, including Nimrod, Fox Cry, Poem, Red Wheelbarrow, and Sanskrit.

Read on and watch the video to hear how Writer’s Relief helped Frank become an award-winning writer!

In Frank’s Own Words

Every writer has to cope with life and circumstance. I am no exception, sandwiching writing time in between the myriad demands of everyday living. I even dismissed serious writing as an option for a number of years. Then one day while driving home from work, I decided to get serious about my writing again. A good friend, Writer in Residence at Lincoln Memorial University Darnell Arnoult, suggested that I give myself just fifteen minutes every day. That would be easy enough to do. I did and those minutes turned into an hour or two each day and a huge accumulation of “Fast Writes.” Those turned into poems and stories, but I had no idea how to get them published. I heard about Writer’s Relief and made contact. The rest is history. They were kind, helpful experts who knew the publishing landscape in ways I could never have known. We writers are a hard lot, tending to be tenacious, and with a little help we can see our words in print. Writer’s Relief has provided that help to me. I recommend them to you and wish you good writing time every day.

More About Frank

Frank Jamison’s work has appeared in numerous literary journals, including The Tennessee English Journal, South Carolina Review, Atlanta Review, Iodine, Confluence, Big Muddy, Illuminations, and others. His poems have won the Robert Burns/Terry Semple Memorial Poetry Prize and the Libba Moore Gray Poetry Prize. Frank’s most recent short story, an excerpt from his novel The Town Upstairs (unpublished), appeared in Arkana, and you can listen to him read it here. He is a member of the Tennessee Mountain Writers and the Knoxville Writers’ Guild. Frank lives and writes beside the Tennessee River in Roane County, Tennessee. In his spare time, he is chairman of the board of a community bank, though he prefers to spend as much time as possible writing. When not writing, Frank loves to be in the backcountry of the Cumberland Plateau: hiking, backpacking, and writing trail guides to the Cumberland Trail. You can see samples of his trail guides here and here.


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