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What’s the most interesting book insight you’ve recognized this week?

Chris Carter is Group CEO of retail marketing agency SMP and Amazon ecommerce specialist Melody.

We asked Carter what his day-to-day now looks like, what trends he is seeing in his sector, and what advice he has for marketers.

Please describe your job: What do you do?

I’m Group CEO of SMP. It consists of SMP, a retail marketing agency focused on the consumer technology sector, and Melody, an ecommerce specialist and part of Amazon’s coveted Solution Provider Network.

Our head office is in London and we also have footprints in Dublin and San Francisco. Since mid-March we’ve expanded significantly, gaining 37 home offices as the team are doing what they do best, but from the comfort of their own homes!

My role is to set the vision and strategy for the agency and to keep us on track to deliver it. I also work very closely with key clients to help them deliver their own strategy. At the moment that means a lot of Zoom calls, particularly with clients keen to migrate sales from their offline channels to ecommerce while we’re all stuck at home.

How has your typical day been impacted in the short term by the pandemic?

Ordinarily, I’d be on a train to Holborn by 7am, in and out of meetings and calls all day before getting home about 7.30pm. But my current day is very different. I am up by 6.30am and after breakfast I make the short commute from the kitchen to my home office, being at my desk by 7am.

The Leadership Team meets at 8am via Zoom to discuss the plan for the day and address any resource challenges. From time to time my daughter joins the calls (yes, Zoom-bombing is a thing) to provide her perspective on how we are performing as a team. At 14 months old she’s one of our youngest team members but already showing a huge amount of promise.

I am a big fan of to-do lists, so I’ll review what’s urgent and important and focus on these first. The days are normally made up of several internal meetings focused on our performance against company metrics, plus a lot of client video calls. We’ve also initiated virtual coffees with individuals to check-in on them whilst they are isolated – it’s really important to maintain day-to-day contact with team members, especially where they live alone.

Late afternoon is when I’ll catch up with our San Francisco team and clients, which always gives us some great insights into how the US approaches retail and ecommerce, especially at this time.

And whilst working from home brings its challenges, there are upsides; I get to see my daughter in the morning for breakfast, take her for a walk at lunchtime and read her a bedtime story at night – all things I rarely have the chance to do when I am working in town.

What are your favourite tools and techniques to help you get your work done at the moment?

Like most people, I use a variety of apps, technologies and platforms to keep connected and working no matter where I am. And as an agency we haven’t needed to invest in any new tools to support the teams working from home.

My go-tos at the moment (besides my iPhone and iPad) are WhatsApp (perfect for quick catch-ups), Evernote (great for meeting notes) and To Do (great for to-do lists, unsurprisingly). I’m also a big fan of how Blinkist condenses business books into bite-sized text and audio, which will one day make that commute bearable again.

And of course, who couldn’t live without Houseparty and Netflix Party during lockdown!

Which companies have impressed you since the outbreak?

Not your traditional brand campaign, but I love how BBC Creative has turned four clips from classic sitcoms into public information videos. The clips from The Thick of It, Miranda, The Mighty Boosh and Alan Partridge encourage UK residents to stay at home.

The first three films end with the on-screen message: “Seriously, stay at home. Please help stop the spread.” The Partridge one, meanwhile, has the text: “Set a routine to get through staying in.”

What changes are you making to help your clients’ brands connect with how people are feeling and experiencing the pandemic?

Even during the weeks leading up to the lockdown we were developing proactive ‘Now > Next > Future’ recommendations for our clients. They’re designed to help brands optimise their Amazon and ecommerce channels in the absence of physical retail. This included helping support smaller brands, significantly impacted by the closure of their physical presence, to set themselves up and start trading on Amazon.

Additionally, we’re analysing how COVID-19 is impacting UK shopping habits today and, whilst it is hard to separate anticipated consumer intent from actual behaviour, what shoppers believe will be the lasting impact of their newly formed shopping habits in the future. We’re sharing these insights with clients to help inform channel strategy development.

And finally, where our clients have products that have become invaluable during the lockdown we’ve worked with them to ensure as many people as possible are able to access them, as quickly as possible.

What trends have you seen in the last few weeks in your sector?

Unsurprisingly, the biggest trend has been the shift of focus from physical retail to ecommerce. Melody, our ecommerce division, has never been busier. On a lighter note, I’ve also been getting a lot of interior design hints and tips from all the Zoom calls I have been on.

What advice would you give a marketer right now?

The advice I’d give right now is the same that I have always given, which has served me well over the years: attention to detail should be your mantra and delighting your clients your speciality.

However, recently we have been discussing the increased importance of context and would recommend two key steps: first, review your current/scheduled campaigns and see what needs to be cancelled, paused, reimagined or reconfigured. Is the message, tone, offer and imagery appropriate for the current crisis?

Second, identify what value your brand can legitimately offer to help get people through the crisis, and communicate it in a positive, informative, sensitive and accessible way.

What does long term planning and strategy look like now at your clients’ brands?

If differs so much by client, but one thing they all have in common is scenario planning. Where there is so much uncertainty, it is critical to model plans against different variables. Brands need to understand the markers that will determine which plan to follow, and when.

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The post Marketers on the new normal: Chris Carter, CEO at retail marketing agency SMP appeared first on Econsultancy.

What’s the most interesting content marketing tip you’ve discovered from this post?

Six weeks ago every event got cancelled, postponed or moved to virtual. Like many professional speakers, I started delivering my talks virtually. But taking a 45 minute talk and doing it over Zoom doesn’t work. It’s too long, tech gets in the way and it just feels boring.

I knew I had to get better at this.

So I started researching. At first it was YouTube videos. I watched a 34 minute overview on selecting the right cardioid microphone. I took notes from a masterclass from a Hollywood lighting pro on techniques like loop and butterfly lighting. I consumed hours of videos on acting techniques, professional studio setups, and product demos. I also asked for advice from some professionals in the entertainment business from my network and read what my friends and fellow speakers were sharing on social media.

And I started writing a book all about everything I was learning when it came to presenting virtually, working more effectively while remote and building trust with people without being in the same room (or perhaps without ever having met in real life. This week, I’m launching that book as a free download (get it here!) and throughout the process of writing and researching it, I kept presenting and experimenting.

Over the last three weeks I have learned a lot and gotten better. Though I’m continuing to do presentations and getting better at virtual storytelling, I thought I’d share some of the biggest things that I have learned which will help you get better faster, and perhaps skip watching hours of YouTube videos in order to do it.

1. Don’t fear the tech.

I realized over the past month that I have been completely spoiled at events by working with a professional AV crew. At home, it’s just me. And when faced with complex technology, my tendency has too often been to claim ignorance. I was, after all, an English major. But in a professional setting, when you are on your own without an IT department, technical problems just end up making YOU look bad. There’s no one else to blame. So skip the excuses, watch some YouTube videos yourself and conquer your fear of getting technical. This isn’t like programming the Mars rover. You can do this.

2. Get dressed.

It’s a beautiful thing that we can now present in our pajamas. But I don’t. In fact, I usually dress the same way I would if I were presenting from the stage. For me, it helps me to bring more energy in an artificial environment where I don’t get the benefit of audience feedback. So I don’t look the same in every video, I also try to wear something different for each talk.

3. Embrace the unperfection.

Most of us don’t have a professional studio at home. It’s ok. In fact, it might be better. When we see each other’s homes in the background, or some of our personality – we feel more connected. So let it be a little bit unperfect and focus on being authentic instead of perfect.

4. Face the window.

All of the light tutorials I watched on YouTube were great, but complicated. You can buy ring lights or hook up web-enabled dimmers to your phone – but the real secret to how I’m getting pretty good light on all my calls comes down to three words: face a window. When your face is to the window, you avoid backlighting (the biggest lighting problem most people have) and odd shadows too. The picture below is me in my home office with NO additional lighting. I literally just turned around to face the window instead of putting it behind me. Of course, this won’t work if you’re in a room with no windows (or at night) – so if that’s the case, get good lighting from the front (a ring light works for this) and start with that.

5. Invest in sound.

If you are going to spend money on anything to improve your virtual presentation, make it a high quality microphone. Headsets generally are a great way to get good sound and avoid background noise. The problem is you end up looking like a call center operator. The alternative is a good cardioid microphone (a microphone that mainly picks up sound from the front). The microphones to avoid are omnidirectional (they pick up ambient sound from around the room).

6. Play with the tech.

Whenever my boys encounter something new, they want to press all the buttons. As they get older, they still do that. We can use some of that same mentality when it comes to using videoconferencing platforms. Do you know what all the buttons do? Try them out. On a Zoom call, using the space bar is a shortcut to go off mute. Skype has similar keyboard shortcuts. The best way to get better at using the tools is by playing with it … and pressing all the buttons.

7. Skip the apology.

We all know that virtual meetings aren’t seamless. Sometimes people are hard to hear. And your WiFi may be slow. It’s tempting to always be apologizing for this, or even worse, apologizing before anything even goes wrong! Instead, go with the flow and adapt to the difficulties. If they persist, be decisive in what to do about it – whether it’s asking everyone to log out and then back in, or the worst case scenario of rescheduling the meeting. People may not like it, but they will definitely appreciate it more if you didn’t waste 30 minutes trying to get everything working before finally canceling.

8. Speak to the camera.

When you are on a video call where multiple people are sharing screens, you will want to look at them. The problem is, doing this appears as if you’re looking sideways. The only way to offer the appearance of eye contact is to speak to your webcam instead of to the images of the people. This is logical, but very hard to consistently do because it feels unnatural. To be honest, I haven’t found an easy way to do this, apart from asking everyone else to turn off their video screens. So I’ve just been practicing ignoring their videos and speaking to the camera instead.

9. Use props.

One of the nicest things about presenting from my home office is that I can have all the tools I usually use right next to me. So while I used to share a picture of a stack of books that I read from the stage, now I can actually SHOW people the stack. Props are a great way to break up the monotony of a talk and bring your personality too.

10. Update your website/profile.

Everything is changing, but a lot of what we see online seems to have been created before Covid-19. As a speaker, I wanted to be sure to let event planners and potential clients know that I’ve adjusted what I do, so I changed my homepage and my speaking page to focus on virtual events. If you want to show potential customers or even your colleagues that you’re adjusting too, consider updating your site (if you have one) or your professional profiles too.

Want to see all of my best insights as well as learn from the experiences of more than 50 experts who have contributed to share their best tips with you?

Download a free copy of my latest guide and ebook, The Non-Obvious Guide to Virtual Meetings & Remote Work.

Download here >>

What’s the most interesting marketing tip you’ve found from this post?

Our next Delivery Discussion is May 6 at 5pm Irish time, noon eastern and 9am pacific. We’ll be talking about spamtraps. Drop me an email at laura-ddiscuss@ the obvious domain to get an invite.

two stick figures sitting across a table talking

Bring your questions, your concerns and, yes, even your gripes to talk with various folks in the industry. We’ll share what we know, what we think and what we feel about spamtraps.

I’ll be pulling together some resources and will share them here after the call.

Can’t wait to speak with you.

What’s the most helpful writing software you’ve shared this month?

How to Increase Conversion Rates

To increase conversion rates on your website, you need to understand its current state.

What is your overall conversion rate? Which pages are performing well (according to the numbers)? 

Which pages are performing poorly? What tests can be carried out based on these analyses? What can you learn about your audience and your website from all this data?

Numbers tell many stories about your website. But without the right analysis, it’s difficult to get the vital pieces of information. What numbers are important? What should you look for?

In this short guide, I’ll show you how to improve your conversion rates by paying attention to the right metrics from your web analytics. Here are the 7 points you need to keep in mind:

1. Study visitors’ demographic data

From your website demographic data, you’ll get insights into who your visitors are, what might interest them, and their behavior on your website. With a tool such as Google Analytics, you’ll get a wealth of data about your visitors.

For instance, common demographic data include:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Interests

If you run a business where your ideal buyers live in a specific location, then you’d want to know how those visitors behave on your website. Are they converting? What’s their conversion rates compared to visitors from other locations?

You can create segments on Google Analytics to make these comparisons. Another example is the age groups. Do older visitors convert better than younger visitors? What of 18 – 24 versus 25 – 34-year-olds?

You can even go further and include gender. For a page selling a gift item for men, what’s the conversion rates of female versus male for that page? This would help tweak your message on these pages.

Google Analytics Segments

Analyze conversion rates in Google Analytics based on gender.

Furthermore, you can find the interests of your visitors. Depending on how deep you can dive, there’s a lot of information you can uncover from your analysis. This will provide information about the conversion rates of different demographic groups and where you need to improve.

Google Analytics interest

Use Google Analytics to see discover the interests of your visitors. Use this information to see whether different demographic groups are converting.

2. Use data to understand visitors

When you go through numbers about your website performance, one of the main objectives is to understand your visitors. What does their behavior say about them? What does their demographic data mean?

Some important pieces of data to track to understand your visitors include:

  • Pages viewed
  • Time on page
  • Major traffic sources
  • Best sources for conversions
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Language

These details and more will help you understand your page visitors. More so, you’ll be able to predict their needs better and make attractive offers. One tool that allows you to understand your visitors is CANDDi.

Interestingly, this tool actually identifies your visitors. Thus, you can find more unique details such as their name, employer, time on site, and their activities.

Caddi identify visitors

CANDDi is a tool that identifies your website visitors. You can see unique details such as their name, employer, time on site, and their activities.

As a result, it’s easy to identify your leads and understand their needs based on their data. Furthermore, you can use these pieces of information to build buyer personas for your business.

In a nutshell, understanding your audience will help refine your messages for your ideal audience and increase conversions.

3. Analyze landing page data

If you’re looking to increase conversion rates, you have to pay special attention to your landing pages because they account for most of your conversions.

According to WordStream, landing pages across various industries have a median conversion rate of 2.35%. Normally, this value will vary across different industries.

Search Conversion Rate

Landing pages across various industries have a median conversion rate of 2.35%. This value varies across different industries.

No matter your page conversion rate, you need to increase it. But first, you have to analyze the data. With a tool like Instapage, you can analyze details about your landing page performance. These include:

  • Time on page
  • Number of visits
  • Number of leads captured
  • Conversion rates

Apart from having an overall website conversion rate, you need to analyze individual landing pages for your marketing campaigns. By doing this, you’ll understand how effective each campaign has been in terms of conversions. More so, you get insights to make changes to your paid ads and their landing pages.

Instapage example

With a tool like Instapage, you can your landing page performance.

Beyond those numbers, you can also analyze user behavior on your landing pages. Do they read all your page content? Where do they click?

For instance, a tool like Crazy Egg allows you to see how users scroll through your page with the scroll map. Also, you have the heatmaps which display where visitors click on your page.

Crazyegg example

Crazy Egg shows you how users scroll through your page with the scroll map. Heatmaps display where visitors click on your page.

Another useful feature is the recordings, which show how users navigate your landing pages. With these pieces of data, you’ll get useful insights to improve conversions.

4. Analyze your page speed

Over the years, page speed has become a vital part of web experiences. Due to the development in technology, visitors want your pages to load immediately. Otherwise, they’ll bounce off your page.

According to a Google study, the probability of a bounce increases by 32% once your page loads for 3 seconds. To further illustrate, another study found that Amazon could lose $1.6 billion in annual sales if its page loads 1 second slower.

Google Analytics Bounce Rates

A study by Google found that bounce rates increase the longer a page takes to load.

Fortunately, a tool such as Pingdom allows you to test your page speed. Depending on your ideal audience’s location, you can test from different locations to see how fast your visitors can access your website.

Likewise, Pingdom provides recommendations on changes you can make to increase your website speed.

Kingdom example

Pingdom provides recommendations on changes you can make to increase your website speed.

Apart from that, Google Analytics also provides speed analysis through the page timings report. Here, you’ll see the load time of various pages. You can also compare the load time to the exit rate or bounce rates.

With these insights, you can take steps to increase your website speed. 

5. Analyze visitors’ behavior flow

How do users navigate your website pages? With the behavior flow, you can see how visitors move from one page to another.

Also, an important data point to look out for is the entry and exit pages. Usually, the homepage will account for most entries. But apart from that, what other pages account for entries?

You can use the “Behavior Flow” feature in Google Analytics to see how visitors navigate your website. Apart from viewing entries and exits, drop-offs are a vital metric. 

Behavior Flow Example

Use the “Behavior Flow” feature in Google Analytics to see how visitors navigate your website.

What pages have low or high drop-offs? You can continue to investigate these pages and make necessary changes to increase conversions.

Mixpanel also provides the “Flow” feature that shows how your customers navigate your website. The conversion rate flow lets you see your conversion rates and how different criteria affect results.

Mixpanel Example

Mixpanel provides a “Flow” feature that shows how your customers navigate your website.

You can see the top paths to conversion which displays your most effective marketing campaigns.

6. Shopping behavior analysis

If you run an eCommerce business, cart abandonment is one constant nightmare. Think about it; the average cart abandonment rate from 33 studies is 69%. 

Therefore, you need to optimize your checkout process. The shopping behavior analysis in Google Analytics provides details about the number of sessions in each page of the buying process. 

With this, you’ll see where visitors drop off during the buying process. Furthermore, it becomes easier to identify pages that need urgent attention. 

Shopping Behavior Analysis

The shopping behavior analysis feature in Google Analytics provides details about the number of sessions in each page of the buying process.

However, it’s difficult for these numbers alone to provide the full picture. For instance, do visitors from a particular traffic source account for the majority of drop-offs? 

To analyze the problem further, you can create segments of traffic to these pages, such as:

  • Paid search traffic 
  • Organic traffic
  • Social media traffic 
  • Tablet and desktop traffic
  • Direct traffic
  • Email traffic 
  • Returning visitors
  • Location
  • Products

After doing this, you’ll get a clearer view of the factors responsible for the drop-offs. Also, you can investigate those pages to make necessary adjustments. 

Drop-offs example

Get a clear view of the factors responsible for the drop-offs.

7. Run A/B tests for pages

One of the most important tasks for improving conversion rates is carrying out A/B split tests. And it’s a continuous task if you want to increase conversion rates.

While analyzing data of different pages on your website, you also form hypotheses. These are changes you can make to improve conversion rates. 

For instance, you can change page elements such as:

  • Page copy
  • Location of CTA button
  • Images/videos
  • Background images

How do you validate or invalidate these hypotheses? A/B split testing. However, to run proper A/B tests, you need the right tools.

A tool such as VWO can help to run different types of A/B tests. At the end of your A/B tests, you have access to your results. Furthermore, VWO allows you to segment your results based on user segments. 

A tool like VWO will show you how mobile and tablet traffic convert compared to the average. These insights would help improve your conversion rates and set up future tests.

For example, how did mobile and tablet traffic convert compared to the average? These insights would help improve your conversion rates and set up future tests.


Today, there are so many numbers that provide a clear picture of your website performance. However, the major challenge is to find the right numbers and interpret them effectively.

By following the steps here, you’ll gain more insights into your conversion rates and possible actions to take in future campaigns.

The post How to Increase Conversion Rates With Web Analytics appeared first on Content Marketing Consulting and Social Media Strategy.