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Author: Brad Johnson

Brad Johnson is an author and blogger who helps writers discover their niche, build successful habits, and quit their 9-5. His books include Ignite Your Beacon, Writing Clout and Tomes Of A Healing Heart. For strategic content and practical tips on how to become a full-time writer, visit:

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How to Communicate with Your Customers During the COVID-19 Crisis

The worldwide panic of coronavirus is leaving big and small brands wondering what happens next and the best way to communicate with customers. Here are a few ways to win your customers’ trust during these crazy times:

Use Your Site

Creating a public update on your corporate blog describing how you are coping with the situation and how your brand is helping its customers is always a good idea.

Nancy Seeger shares some valuable tips on how to phrase your public messaging effectively:

Don’t pretend everything is normal – address the issue head on.

Don’t keep you marketing the same as before. Now is the time for some great karmic marketing messages. One of the car companies in Canada changed TV ads – to say “This is where we normally would show you our great new models, but instead we want to thank the doctors and nurses for……”

Another example is the new Budweiser commercial that is also thanking the doctors and nurses.

Build your local community. Offer shout outs to those that are supporting the local community or industries that support your industry.

Use humor carefully. We don’t want to be dark and depressing, but many have love ones that are sick or at risk. Tread carefully.

Avoid generalizations or statistics that change to often. Marketing Communication stays around for a while and needs to be specific and valuable enough, without becoming dated too soon.

Give hope. People will always remember how you make them feel and giving hope in times of crisis is a great way to create positive energy.

All in all, your messaging should make each of your customers feel they are not alone.

B2B SaaS companies should have a policy in place regarding what to do to try to counteract cancellations. Some businesses have lost part of all of their income and must cut expenses. This might be to waive fees for a particular period of time or grant extensions on time to pay. It is better to retain them as a customer you hope will recover soon than potentially lose their business forever.

Get in Touch

If you have their email and social accounts, put them to use — but only if you have something useful and relevant to say.

There was a flood of Covid-19 email updates recently which also resulted in lots of memes like this one:

covid emails

The bottom line is: Keeping your customers informed is important but only if what you have to say is important to them.

Gail Gardner of is sharing her experience:

Ecommerce stores I’ve bought from for years and others I’ve only used due to shortages of food staples are sending their customers email messages. If you have backordered products, keep your customers informed by email.

Anita Campbell, founder and CEO of Small Business Trends: suggests a very personal approach:

Send a message just saying “How are you doing? Is everyone well there?” No pressure. No selling. Just a friendly “I care about you enough to check in” message. I’ve had a couple of these. One from the owner of the virtual assistant agency we use. Another from a consultant we have used from time to time. Usually the only time I hear from them is when they send an invoice. So it’s nice to get a friendly “human” message.

To support businesses vcita had come up with coronavirus email templates helping their users to manage communications with the customers of theirs. All you need to do is to sign up for vcita free trial to access the templates:

covid email templates

These template collection offers to-the-point message for you to put together a meaningful update.

Janice Wald of Mostly Blogging brings up an important point: don’t use Coronavirus crisis as a marketing opportunity:

It is important you let your email list members feel your compassion not greed during this difficult time. Trying to profit during the Coronavirus is fine. Don’t try to profit FROM the Coronavirus.

For example, you can begin your marketing emails by expressing concern about the email list member and their family. End by expressing wishes they stay safe and healthy.

Create and Curate More Resources

Keep your social pages and feeds updated. Be honest about how this situation is affecting your ability to serve your customers. If payments are an issue, be flexible and think through your strategy in advance.

Share tips and insights about how your industry can cope or even expand during these challenging times. Shawn Hessinger, an executive editor Small Business Trends, has set up a standalone Facebook page that aims at helping small businesses through these uncertain times:

covid support group

Using your site as a knowledge hub for your customers to have a page to refer to is also a great idea. SEFCU created a huge list of resources informing their customers how they can use online banking to avoid trips to their offices and how to apply for the financial relief program.

Nextiva created a similar resource geared towards small businesses struggling to set up a remote working environment. The page lists all possible tools to create a remote office, including their business collaboration suite.

Collaboration suite

At IMN, we put together a private dashboard for us to brainstorm tips for our clients to keep their businesses afloat. Because we manage clients in a variety of industries, creating standard guidelines for all of them wouldn’t work, so we have to approach each of them. These recommendations are totally complimentary. Let’s face it: our company’s success depends on their keeping their businesses active. We are into this together.

covid consulting


Whether coronavirus is going to threaten humanity remains a question but one thing is clear: No matter what thousands of businesses are already affected and it may get worse. To prepare your company for possible outbreak consequences, use the steps above.

The post How to Communicate with Your Customers During the COVID-19 Crisis appeared first on Content Marketing Consulting and Social Media Strategy.

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The deliverability discussion calls are going well and I’m going continue to host them on a biweekly basis. Next call will be May 6th, 5pm Ireland time, noon Eastern and 9am Pacific time. Still doing invites manually, so drop me an email at laura-ddiscuss@ the obvious domain.

Icon of an eye looking around

A few weeks ago, the discussion entered around machine learning in general. As a follow on I’d planned to talk about was how different ML filters are trained.

Almost all filters out there are based on machine learning. The commercial B2B filters, the filters at consumer mailbox providers, all filters have some components based on ML. But there’s a big difference in how those filters are trained and the data they have access to. Gmail, VMG and Microsoft all have access to the the mail client as well as the mail server. They can, and do, track user activity with mail as part of how they teach the engines.

Filtering appliances don’t have the same inputs as the mailbox providers do. They don’t have access to the mail client. That ML is not based on user interaction or engagement at all.

We did talk a little bit about that, and what folks’ experiences were, but then the conversation wandered. It was a good wander. We talked a lot about how we described filtering and filters and delays to people. I described a cake analogy a client shared with me. Another person described filters as tomato sauce.

The cake analogy: making changes at Gmail in particular is like baking a cake. You put all the ingredients together, mix them well and put the cake in the oven. Then you have to wait for it to bake. If you keep poking it, or opening the oven then you just make the cake worse. When you’re trying to fix delivery problems at Gmail, you need to make the changes and then just wait for the filters to catch up.

The tomato sauce analogy: (any errors in transcription are mine) A company wants to make tomato sauce. They want to make the best tomato sauce there is. So they make one kind of tomato sauce. But different people want different kinds of tomato sauce. Some people want chunky sauce, some want smooth sauce, some want really garlicky sauce, some want meaty sauce. A successful company makes all kinds of tomato sauce to meet the needs of different kinds of customers.

We also talked about how the size of the sender does matter. Smaller senders and larger senders are treated differently by the filters. What works when you’re small doesn’t always work when you’re big. And, what works when you’re big doesn’t always translate down to smaller senders.

It was a fun call. Afterwards I got a message from a participant saying they really enjoyed it and found it “fascinating how some scenarios can be so nuanced especially between smaller and larger senders and transactional versus promotional.  There has been so much shared from everyone and the machine learning was really helpful as I definitely heard new information.”

Start those emails coming for the next call. Can’t wait to talk again.

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Thinking of diving into Facebook ads? Wondering what the common pitfalls are? In this article, you’ll discover three important considerations when starting your first Facebook ad campaign. #1: Commit to a Facebook Funnel Implementation All successful marketing starts with a clear strategy and Facebook advertising is no exception. With a strategy built around your available […]

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Thinking of diving into Facebook ads? Wondering what the common pitfalls are? In this article, you’ll discover three important considerations when starting your first Facebook ad campaign. #1: Commit to a Facebook Funnel Implementation All successful marketing starts with a clear strategy and Facebook advertising is no exception. With a strategy built around your available […]

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A Summary and Analysis of the Dick Whittington Fairy Tale

Everyone in England knows of the story of Dick Whittington and his cat. The tale of the poor boy who becomes Lord Mayor of London has been a staple of British pantomimes since at least the nineteenth century. But where did this classic home-grown English fairy tale come from? And […]

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What’s the most applicable marketing tip you’ve shared this month?

context marketing

By Brooke Sellas

Creating personal customer experiences is nothing new. But adding context marketing to those experiences is key when it comes to modern marketing and solving customer pain points.

In this episode of the Marketing Companion Podcast, I’m still holding down the fort while Mark Schaefer recovers from COVID-19.

I was so fortunate to be joined by the brilliant Mathew Sweezey of Salesforce. We talk about his new book, The Context Marketing Revolution: How to Motivate Buyers in the Age of Infinite Media, and how context is exactly what helps marketers and business owners cut through the noise and provide seamless, highly personalized customer experiences.


Mathew is Principal of Marketing Insights for, author, podcast host, multiple award-winning marketers, pioneer of the marketing automation space, and regarded as one of the top minds on the future of Marketing (he’s even written a delightful article here on the {grow} blog).

On this episode, Mathew and I take a deep dive into the five context elements, and how you can apply them to create personalized customer experiences:

  • How do brands *really* cut through the noise of infinite media?
  • Creating customer experiences means understanding the five context elements of context: 1) availability 2) permission 3) personal 4) authentic 5) purposeful
  • Mat also gives several examples of brands doing it right, like his own company’s Salesforce Trailblazer Program and how people are vying to become a ‘Ranger’
  • And finally, how can brands ditch the campaign and focus on the customer journey?

Creating customer experiences can be daunting, but with Mat’s vast research and examples, it feels like anyone can do it.

And while I’ve loved having amazing guests on the podcast with me, I’m happy to report that Mark is on the mend and should be back co-hosting with me soon!

Click on this link to listen to Episode 188

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It’s hard to ignore — millions of business professionals are active on LinkedIn. They have twice the buying power of a normal web user. If you’re in business, you need to be exploring advertising on LinkedIn. Brooke and I have both had tremendous success with this marketing platform and to help you get started, LinkedIn is offering Marketing Companion listeners $100 in free ad credit. That can go a LONG WAY! Take advantage of this opportunity today by visiting

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