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2020 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 11

For the 2020 November PAD Chapbook Challenge, poets write a poem a day in the month of November before assembling a chapbook manuscript in the month of December. Today’s prompt is to write a color poem.

For today’s prompt, write a color poem. You could make the title of your poem a color and then write a poem. Or you could just mention a color in your poem. Of course, an ode to a color would work. And feel free to liberate your poem with a variety of colors (why pick only one?).

Remember: These prompts are springboards to creativity. Use them to expand your possibilities, not limit them.

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The deadline has been extended for the 2020 Writer’s Digest Poetry Awards. The extended deadline is November 16!

Calling all poets! We’re on the look out for poems of all styles–rhyming, free verse, haiku, and more–for the 15th Annual Writer’s Digest Poetry Awards! This is the only Writer’s Digest competition exclusively for poets. Enter any poem 32 lines or less for your chance to win $1,000 in cash.

Click to continue.


Here’s my attempt at a Color Poem:

“gray scale”

for one thing I can’t remember
any color in the embers
of a long lost forsaken dream
only people and what they seem
to be telling me what to do
about a thing I can’t unscrew
during my conscious waking life
filled to the brim with doubt and strife

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